We are a unique, results oriented team committed to filling the career guidance and job search skills void young adults seem to be experiencing in the mainstream world. Our one day Workshop provides the kind of self knowledge, corresponding career fit options, and modern day job search skills many are looking for. Prefer an Individual or Friends Micro-Session via Zoom? We do that too.

Cindy Hughes
Facilitating Youth Job Search Workshops for AB Manpower during my college years naturally extended to my own student resume preparation company. From there careers in both the banking and industrial sectors have often involved recruiting and training elements.
In 2015 I became a Certified MBTI Practitioner to help in-house teams work more efficiently and cooperatively together. During this time I also witnessed friends, colleagues, and youth struggle with accessing practical, affordable career planning guidance and careersun.ca was born. Truly love the self awareness and inherent sense of direction participants experience in our workshops.

Holly Williams
Like many in my age category I left high school feeling not sure as to which career direction to pursue. I liked a lot of things, particularly reading, writing, and research but didn't want to pay to write term papers with no direction in mind. Then I got MBTI tested and was lucky enough to find work doing something that uses my skills, has lots of learning opportunities, and benefits others.
I am happier than I have been in any prior job researching current job trends and following where workshop participant's futures take them.